
  • 3rd Social Media World 2014 Conference

    Every Business Is Social Business

    It is assumed that each social network has its own purpose of existence and the communication strategy through each of them is different. Even more complicated is the scenario where several social networks must be combined into a corporate campaign. Something that , in conjunction with the barrage of information and the intensity and globalization of the competition, changing the definition of ” effective” for communication campaigns to an extent that only professionals of the trade can respond to the challenge successfully .

    And of course, always at the end remains the key question: and after the campaign, what? How do you manage all those people who visited us and got to know us? Do we build communities around our brand or do we stick to a simple mailing list;

     Session 1: Social Media, a job with future…

    What do we mean by saying or hearing that someone is a professional of social media?

    – How is the «profession Social Media» defined? What characteristics and skills are required?

    -Are there any educational processes, specific qualifications and certifications ?

    – What is the Role of a Social Media Professional in a company’s marketing team? What is his daily routine?

    And on the other hand, a business (large or small) that follows the trends decides to integrate social media in its communication strategy which factors should take into account?

    – How will the company be able to choose its partner?

    – For which costs should be prepared?

    – Are there any contraindications and side effects on the integration of social media in a business communication campaign?

    – Are there any guaranteed results? What do we measure and how do we measure it?

     Session 2:  Secrets and Lies

    Social networks are a dynamic environment that is constantly evolving. The rules of the game and the media are constantly changing, since it is assumed that social networks are not neutral of information channels, but businesses that cater to generate goodwill for themselves and their shareholders. This means that those who wish to use these platforms as a vehicle; they should know the details of their operation, their rules and also their tolerance limits. Also, the very same social networks services can be used in a questionable way and turned into threats.

    – How do you change the operating environment of social media? Is there a predictable strategy?

    – Can someone and in which manners use the malicious safeguards of social media?

    – Are there techniques for treating an attack on corporate image in social networks?

    – Is the result directly proportional to the investment?

    – Are there any small or big secrets that only professionals know?

    Session 3: Order in chaos


    Specialists in marketing and information technology field apply, but also seek refining and data extraction techniques through this huge machine in which everyone voluntarily enters their personal information regarding products, places and habits that we like .

    – Are there big data for small companies or is it that they remain the prerogative of large organizations?

    – What data are really needed and a medium – sized enterprise should have?

    – Can inspired algorithms replace giant computing devices?

    – Can social networks act as sensors of social behavior?

    – Are there right questions that lead to correct answers?

     Session 4: Are Social Media a Business Tool;

    During the section issues in the following areas will be discussed:

    – Is the Social Media environment suitable for online shopping?

    – Is online buying a social experience;

    – Can the social networks ROI be measured on commercial terms?

    – Are Social Media an effective customer service tool?

     To whom it isaddressed

      The conference is addressed to  professionals and businesses that accept , provide , utilize or think to utilize services with  tools and social media techniques, from nearly all industries including : Manufacturing , Trade, Tourism , Hospitality, Transportation , Services, Banking, Telecom , Electronics , Computers, Spectacle , Internet.

    In the conference will participate executives and senior corporate executives, department managers, professional s with qualifications and field of work in: Marketing, Branding, Social Media, Customer Service, Insurance, e-Commerce, Online & Direct marketing, Sales, CRM, SW & Web Development, Graphic Design, and Advertising.

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